Thursday, 27 October 2011

Cindy McCartney's tips on how to get started

In my frustration and to be honest uncertainty where to begin with my de-cluttering process I turned to my trusty confidante Google to seek professional help. While researching methods on how to declutter and clean out my wardrobe I came across this video from expert Cindy McCartney:

After watching I managed to draw these top tips:

1) Be HONEST- sometimes you can love something so much in the shop on a rail or mannequin however once you get it home you realise it's ghastly but somehow manage to hang onto it "just in case". If like me that "in case" moment never comes, it's time to let go

2)Be ECONOMICAL- when going through your stuff you'll realise you may have multiples of things e.g. 3 black skirts or two pairs of similar jeans. Do you truly need the same item more than once?

3) Phone a FRIEND- sometimes (and I'm the worst offender of this) you find it hard to let things go as you possess this irrational bond to each garment you own you need to drag someone in. The expert in the video advises to get someone 'brutally honest' which I think is good but I'd also get someone who is decisive. My housemates and good friends are pretty much the same as me when it comes to their clothes so I may need to draft in external help.

I'm going to definitely take advice from a pro and follow these guidelines to get me on the right track! Do you agree with what she's said or have anything to add? Comments below please :)

Saturday, 8 October 2011

The Chaos

Most people who know me know how overly and weirdly protective I am over my room both
at university and at home.

My lair is my sanctuary. It's the one place I can always recuperate and chill out after a long day. Or sleep. Or eat. I love the ownership of a room. At home I've always shared a room with a sister -when I thought I had my freedom another one came along- for most of my life so having one all to m
yself has elicited a whole new sense privacy that I've never had before and frankly I LOVE IT (no offence to my siblings if reading).

Anywho with great power comes great responsibility, and by responsibility I mean: cleaning.

I'm usually brilliant at tidying my room but lately with the pressure of 3rd year I've just been letting it go. It's totally out of control if I'm honest and makes me ash
amed to reveal it to the world as being associated with me.

Here are a few pics to give you more of a visual and to let you all out there know exactly what I'm working with in terms of sheer amount of stuff.

I had to draw the line at photographs of the floor: can't have you judge me this early on as you never get a second chance at a first impression.

I'm in the process of tidying up...tomorrow.

Shellowooo x

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Welcome to the room of Rochelle Owusu- Antwi: enter if you dare...


Welcome to my blog which will showcase the plight of a girl seriously in need of a long overdue spring [summer, autumn as well as winter] clean. Over my last two years of studying, hoarding and shopping I have acquired more earthy possessions than most girls who realistically do have not enough wardrobe space should EVER own: shoes, bags, dresses, skirts, Red Indian headdresses, scarves, hats, coats, cardis. You name it, I'm sure to have it. My mother looks at my collection at our family home and groans. She has NO IDEA the amount I have tucked away out of her sight 300 miles away...

Part of the reason I have acquired the sheer amount of clothes I own is this due to this extreme thriftiness I have mastered.

My general rule of thumb throughout the years when it comes to purchasing any fashion items is never to go above a certain price for a certain item. For example: shoes- no more than £30, dresses- no more than £15...maybe £20 tops if it's really nice and I can buy anything on sale as long as it's at a reasonably discounted price.

Alas, unlike the fictional and incredibly lucky Carrie B I do not have a wealthy Mr. Big willing to buy a swanky apartment with a humongous walk-in closet...although truth be told, I would settle for an extra wardrobe from Ikea for any potential suitors *wink*.

People say a room is an extension of your personality and undoubtedly an intimate space and integral part of a person's life: why I thought it would be a great idea to open it up to the world wide web is beyond me, but I have so enjoy.

And thanks for joining me on this journey of self discovery as I walk through the chaos that is my bedroom and attempt to streamline my belongings into a manageable load. I am well aware it is going to be tough but with the constraints of time and my imminent graduation the time has come to sort it out: EVERYTHING MUST GO.

Shellowooo x