After watching I managed to draw these top tips:
1) Be HONEST- sometimes you can love something so much in the shop on a rail or mannequin however once you get it home you realise it's ghastly but somehow manage to hang onto it "just in case". If like me that "in case" moment never comes, it's time to let go
2)Be ECONOMICAL- when going through your stuff you'll realise you may have multiples of things e.g. 3 black skirts or two pairs of similar jeans. Do you truly need the same item more than once?
3) Phone a FRIEND- sometimes (and I'm the worst offender of this) you find it hard to let things go as you possess this irrational bond to each garment you own you need to drag someone in. The expert in the video advises to get someone 'brutally honest' which I think is good but I'd also get someone who is decisive. My housemates and good friends are pretty much the same as me when it comes to their clothes so I may need to draft in external help.
I'm going to definitely take advice from a pro and follow these guidelines to get me on the right track! Do you agree with what she's said or have anything to add? Comments below please :)