Monday, 3 June 2013

Guess who's back...

Hello you wonderful reader you!

It's been a long while since I've posted but I've been a very very busy bee since October 2011 when I originally envisaged this would be a fab and easy to maintain project. Quite frankly I WAS WRONG.

I've since graduated from a Journalism degree with a solid 2:1 from Staffordshire University and have gone on to work as an officer in my students union.

I love my job wholeheartedly but now I've come to the end of my first year in office I've realised I've done nothing in the way of writing, reminding myself of my passions. Which in my quiet moments I know are clothes, thrifting and helping others.

There was a time I was ashamed of my inability to part with items but now I'm ready to embrace it and use it to mine and other's advantage. This has led me to become somewhat of a styling guru to my nearestr and dearest helping them to overhaul and change their image and it's been a lot of fun!

Work is cool and meeting new people constantly but I've thought I need to take time out to focus on the little things that make one smile: after 12 months of not focusing you kind of fall out of touch with yourself...

Alas, after work I find myself idly browsing through fashion blogs and feeling endlessly uninspired by the tumblrs of super model esque images and waif like generic looking souls. I've come to realise ANYTHING can look good on a size 6 woman. Being a size 12 like myself, not everything does.

I think Topshop is a great retailer but to be dressed head to toe in it and feeling proud to have parted with 30 quid on a simple top...I'm not the richest of folk but I cannot see the benefit in splurging for the sake of a label.

The top tip I swear by and my best kept secret is charity shops! I'm a massive advocate. I love to mix and match high street staples and essentials from mainly New Look, H&M and on occasion Topshop with unique pieces I find. I'll be sure to post some of my goodies picked up!