Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sweet Sue Canned Chicken: Fully cooked poultry in a can?!

Would times ever be so hard for students or anyone for that matter to consume canned chicken?

Well somewhere in America this manufacturer thought it would be a grand idea. Personally it looks revolting and I'd far rather consume dirt before eating but each to their own. Note how on the back of the can the eloquent description features the word 'delicious' three times...

The general consensus of my Facebook friends was mainly negative, bar one brave man...

A blogger named Tracy has composed an in-depth step-by-step guide for all that which to know how chicken in a can is cooked

And in case you're curious this is how its 'sweet goodness' sounds coming out of its can. The plopping sound is delightful:

Would you ever eat this or try it just for fun? Leave comments below!


Anonymous said...

this is disgusting!!! who in their right mind would buy that and actually EAT it??!! MADNESS!!

Naomi said...

Really amazing looking blog Rochelle, love everything about the design!

You have made really good use of pictures, videos etc makes the blog an interesting read! well done :]

- only suggestion, I couldn't find where to comment on the blog as a whole (maybe add on the end of the 'about you' page?) so had to comment on this post.

P.s I agree with the comment above that chicken doesn't look great lol!

shellowooo said...

Kat I am in agreeance 110%: I hope no-one in their right mind would purchase anything like it!

Thank you for your feedback Naomi, really appreciate it and am sorting out a comment section now. And it really doesn't look appetizing at all haha :/

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